New publication in Information and Software Technology [25.04.22]
Elia Henrichs from the Department of Food Informatics is author of the publication "A Literature Review on Optimization Techniques for Adaptation Planning in Adaptive Systems: State of the Art and Research Directions" in Information and Software Technology (Impact Factor: 2.730).The publication "A Literature Review on Optimization Techniques for Adaptation Planning in Adaptive Systems: State of the Art and Research Directions" by Elia Henrichs (Department of Food Informatics, University of Hohenheim) with co-authors Veronika Lesch, Martin Sträßer, Samuel Kounev (all University of Würzburg) and Christian Krupitzer (Department of Food Informatics, University of Hohenheim) was published in Elsevier Information and Software Technology (Impact Factor: 2.730).
Recent developments in modern IT systems including internet of things, edge/fog computing, or cyber-physical systems enable intelligent and seamless interaction with users and other systems. This requires a reaction to changes in their environment or the system. Smart and adaptive systems provide mechanisms for such functionality. To implement this functionality, several approaches for the planning of adaptations exist that rely on rules, utility functions, or machine learning. As the adaptation space with possible options is often extensively huge, optimization techniques might support to efficiently scan the adaptation space and identify the system’s optimal configuration. With this paper, we provide a structured review of adaptation planning as the optimization target. In this paper, we review which optimization techniques are applied for adaptation planning in smart and adaptive systems using a structured literature review approach. We reviewed 117 paper in detail out of an initial search set of 9,588 papers. Based on our analysis, we propose how to include (i) distributed optimization techniques for hybrid optimization-based adaptation planning, (ii) multi-objective techniques for many-objective, individual planning as well as (iii) situation-awareness, i.e., a switch of the optimization technique depending on the current situation. In this paper, we provide an overview of the current state of the art of planning as optimization approaches in smart and adaptive systems and further derive open research questions, especially regarding distributed optimization and situation-awareness.
The publication is available in ScienceDirect. (Until July 15, 2022, you have free access to the publication via the following link: