Jan Dvorak, M.A.

Research assistant

Research assistant at Department of Food Informatics / Computational Science Hub (CSH)

Fruwirthstr. 21
Building 01.39 | Room 1.23
D-70599 Stuttgart, Germany

Office hours: by arrangement

Jan Dvorak works as a research assistant in the BMBF-funded project "AI & Data Science Certificate Hohenheim (AIDAHO)". The aim of AIDAHO is to increase the expertise of its participants in the fields of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Data Science and Scientific Computing. Students can enroll in the certificate in addition to their main course of study.

More information as well as the current course offer can be found on the AIDAHO website:




Research interests

Computational Social Science, Political Communication, Social Movements, Scandals, Interdisciplinary Research

Dvorak, J. (2024). Outrage, Solidarity, Counterattack: A Content Analysis of Tweets on Two Political Scandals in Germany. Medijske studije (Media Studies), 14(28), 28-48. https://doi.org/10.20901/ms.14.28.3
Schrimpf, T., Dvorak, J., Reich, A., & Vogelgesang, J. (2023). Aus dem Channel, auf die Straße! Wie die Querdenken-Bewegung ihren Protest auf Telegram organisiert - eine quantitative Netzwerkanalyse. M&K, 71(3-4), 285-308. https://doi.org/10.5771/1615-634X-2023-3-4-285
Schlindwein, X. Randler, C., Kalb, N., Dvorak, J., & Gottschalk, T. K. (2023). Seasonal variation in the diurnal activity patterns of Eurasian blackbirds (Turdus merula) in the forest). Journal of Ornithology. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10336-023-02096-2
Dvorak, J. (2024, 04.-06. April). Political Scandals: A Systematic Collection of German Cases. [Presentation]. 5th International Conference in Scandalogy, Bamberg.


Other projects

Collaboration in the DFG project FOR 2828: De/Sakralisierung von Texten - P7: Der antike Literaturkanon im Kontext des Neuhumanismus und der Bildungs- und Universitätsreformen bis etwa 1850 at the University of Tuebingen.
Tasks: Technical support of research process

Curriculum vitae

Since 05/2022Research assistant in the BMBF-funded project "AI & Data Science Certificate Hohenheim (AIHDAO)"
11/2021 - 03/2022

Scientific assistant at the Institute of Media Studies at the University of Tübingen (Chair: Transformation of Mediaculture)

10/2019 - 04/2022
M.A. Communication management and Analysis, University of Hohenheim
11/2020- 08/2021

Scientific assistant at the Institut of Communication Science at the University of Hohenheim (Department of Media Policy / Media Use Research Group)

08/2017- 12/2017 Digital Filmmaking and Interactive Media, Nanyang Technological University Singapore (exchange semester)
10/2015 - 08/2019 B.A. Media Studies and Political Science, University of Tübingen