Latest News

Presentation at Anuga FoodTec 2022 [02.05.2022]

Elia Henrichs from the Department of Food Informatics presented at the event "Intelligent packages - modern packages "show initiative"" at Anuga FoodTec 2022.more

Successful Disputation of Veronika Lesch [02.05.2022]

The department congratulates Veronika Lesch for the successful defense of her dissertation at the University of Würzburg.more

New publication in Information and Software Technology [25.04.2022]

Elia Henrichs from the Department of Food Informatics is author of the publication "A Literature Review on Optimization Techniques for Adaptation Planning in Adaptive Systems: State of the Art and Research Directions" in Information and Software Technology (Impact Factor: 2.730).more

Wanted: IT System Administrator (m/f/d; TVL-E11) [14.04.2022]

We are looking for an IT System Administrator (m/f/d) to support the IT infrastructure of the Department of Food Informatics and the Institute of Plant Breeding, Seed Science and Population Genetics at the University of Hohenheim, starting probably July 1, 2022.more

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