Food Informatics (150L)

The Department of Food Informatics operates interdisciplinary at the interface of food science, biotechnology, and computer science. The research focuses on the digitalization of food production in a holistic approach that also includes the food supply chain, traders/distributors, and consumers. In cooperation with partners from industry and research, we transfer and optimize approaches, methods, and technology from the fields of artificial intelligence, predictive data analysis, Industry 4.0, adaptive software systems, and the Internet of Things to the domain of food processing.

Our Department is associated to the Computational Science Hub of the University of Hohenheim and it is part of the Institute of Food Science and Biotechnology.


Department of Food Informatics (150L)
Fruwirthstr. 21
Building 01.39 | Room 122
70599 Stuttgart

0711 459 23664


New publication in Applied Intelligence [23.11.2021]

Christian Krupitzer from the Department of Food Informatics is co-author of the publication "Tackling the Rich Vehicle Routing Problem with Nature-Inspired Algorithms" in Applied Intelligence (Impact Factor: 5.086).more

New publication in MDPI Foods [15.11.2021]

Christian Krupitzer from the Department of Food Informatics is author of the publication "Food Informatics - Review of the Current State-of-the-Art, Revised Definition, and Classification into the Research Landscape" in MDPI Foods (Impact Factor: 4.350).more

Research-based teaching at Dep. 150L: Participation in Humboldt reloaded [08.10.2021]

The Department of Food Informatics (150L) is offering a Humboldt reloaded project for the first time in the upcoming winter semester 2021/22. In project on "The smart fridge: builing a demonstrator for predictive determination of food quality", students can participate in a current research project.more

Prices on the IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing and Self-Organizing Systems (ACSOS) [07.10.2021]

The Department of Food Informatics received several prices on the IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing and Self-Organizing Systems (ACSOS).more

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